11-23-20: Aggressive Squatting and Voting Hesitation

  1. Wake up. Before 7am today, so that’s something.

  2. Coffee, news, and at-home workout before work. 

  3. Since nobody asked, here’s what I worked out today (using my adjustable dumbbell):

    1. A few walkouts to warm up

    2. Bent over single arm rows

    3. Goblet squats

    4. Standing biceps curl

    5. Standing skull crushers 

    6. Overhead shoulder press

    7. Hammer curls

    8. Maybe one more thing I don’t remember 

  4. Work is unsurprisingly slow AF. One massage in the morning (for another massage therapist), and then a long day of pretending I’m not playing with my phone. I already have very mixed feelings about even being here. Until all the COVID’s gone I’d truthfully rather not be. But my unemployment is going to run out soon, and that darned mortgage will need to get paid somehow. 

  5. Back home. Pet the dogs. Start planning an early morning trip to the grocery store (beat the rush, week before Super Spreader Thursday).

  6. SI joint feeling flared. May have squatted too aggressively this morning. Usually just takes a day and a few ibuprofen for it to calm down again. 

  7. While watching the finale of Dancing With The Stars I caught myself wanting to vote for my favorite celebrity. And I then had to question what choices I had made up to this point that had given me this sudden strange compulsion. Quarantine makes for odd bedfellows I guess, TV watching-wise. I like watching dancing, but this show has always struck me as a tad too… for moms, I guess? So as my hand reached for my phone I realized I was going to have to make some changes. And look, I think everyone, often, comes to certain points where they have to say to themselves, buddy, it’s time to step up your game, because what you’re doing is killing your brain. And I’m not saying guilty pleasures are a bad thing, but you have to realize it’s a guilty pleasure and you have to take steps to expand your mind instead of numbing it.

  8. Proceeded to feel immense guilt when they declared the winner. My vote could have mattered!

  9. Advil PM, and bed.

  10. Good night.
