11-22-20: Candle Budget

  1. Wake up.

  2. Coffee. 

  3. Slept hard last night. Didn’t take the melatonin. I did take two and a half old fashioneds, and I’m worried this will only encourage my casual drinking, which, if I’m being honest, I’d like to rein in a bit.

  4. Wife rented The Craft. Strange choice for 10am, but I went with it. A question I’ve always had for moody movies like this: Who lights all these candles? What is their monthly candle budget of the characters? Shouldn't they blow them out before leaving the room?

  5. Lazy Sunday. So crocs and socks indoors are cool, right?

  6. Rented The Craft: Legacy next. You know, to stay on brand. And. Um. Look. It had a lot going for it. The kids were all great. There was Duchovny. And I’ve definitely always loved Zoe Lister-Jones in anything I’ve ever seen her in (she wrote and directed this). But unfortunately it did not come together. At all. In fact the third act felt like an entirely different movie, and neither of the movies ever really came to fruition. Maybe wait for it to inevitably be of Freeform within a year if you’re curious.

  7. Made Shiro, an Ethiopian soup with a chickpea base. Went with a pretty basic version of the recipe to start. Might make some tweaks in the future, but pretty satisfying.

  8. Basically spent the rest of the day watching The Pack on Prime. If you’re a dog person who loves reality show competitions, this show is for you. The perfect silly Sunday show.

  9. Very inexpensive Cabernet Sauvignon from Aldi to sip with dinner (and after).

  10. And bed.

  11. Good night.
