12-22-2023: History O' Fart

Hello world. I’m in a work meeting right now on mute, a meeting with very little information that is relevant to me, so I’m doing this instead.

Christmas shopping: pretty much done. Just need to bake some more cookies to take home. This year I am doing and have been doing two recipes from the New York Times.

Adobo Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Rainbow Rave Cookies.

Both have thus far been well-received by friends and coworkers.

As always, the thing I’m looking most forward to is Christmas just being over. It’s so stupid stressful. We don’t even have kids and I find it terribly stressful. But also we have to travel, and be out of our element, and we have the two dogs, who are also out of their element, and even though these two dogs are pretty well-behaved, they might decide to pee in someone’s house, so that’s stressful. And then there’s buying gifts (for adults who do not need gifts) and worrying that we didn’t spend as much as the other adult people.

There is just something so lovely about the first week of January, when it is all behind us, and we can stop worrying about it until next year, when all the same anxieties will come creeping out of the cracks in our life to haunt us for another holiday season.

Also, I’ve recently noticed that my coffee cup says fart on it, and I love it even more now.

Ho ho ho.