12-15-2023: WIPs and charming Australian slackers

Not a lot to report.

I’ve been working on a short story for a contest, and I keep discovering new things about the plot and the characters, so that’s sort of fun. I always forget how much fun short stories are to write versus novels. They are so self-contained and, usually, need to be very lean, which I really like. I like choosing each word as carefully as possible (not like right now, obvi).

I’ve also bee trudging my way through a new novel. I wrote one last year that I still might do something with, but I need to let it marinate for a while. The one I’m currently working on is pretty straight forward. Sort of an Elmore Leonard-like crime caper/dark comedy. I do have two famous actors as major characters, and so far I’ve just been identifying them by their names, but I might switch it to initials just to be safe.

As far as health is concerned, I got in about 45 minutes of walking yesterday just by pacing around the office during my downtime.

Went grocery shopping. Made some good choices. Didn’t realize how low we were on everything and spent almost $170. To be clear, it’s just me and my wife. We don’t eat out often, so I know that high grocery bill is ultimately saving us money. But still stings every time.

I didn’t watch this yesterday, but I recently subscribed to the PBS Passport app, and I’ve been streaming episodes of Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries. It’s an Australian show about Peregrine Fisher, a charming, stylish slacker in the 1960s. She gets word that an aunt she dind’t know she had passed away and left her a house and a car and a small fortune. What she comes to find out is that her aunt was a member of The Adventuresses, and that she was a private detective! And now Peregrine wants to be a private detective, too. There’s a bit of romance with a local detective and every 90 minute episode is a new mystery. Is it great? It’s not. It’s very silly. But it’s colorful and fun, and Geraldine Hakewill is charming AF as the lead.