7-28-21 Mid year update

Hello friends. My current summer class seems to be giving me a bit of breathing room, so I feel the need to update on here. So here we go:

  1. School’s going great. I think my library focus is going to be cataloging. There’s just something comforting about knowing every piece of metadata has a specific way of being labelled. Everything in its place, right?

  2. Work is work. I’m pretty sick of it, truth be told, but it is what it is for now. I try not to be too disgruntled, but I didn’t come to this company to do massage and be a receptionist, and it doesn’t seem like there are any plans to give me my old job back (managing). So, I’ll just keep biding my time. I’m training for a new profession anyway, right?

  3. The dogs are alive and mostly well. They sort of started falling apart after New Years. Both have been diagnosed with collapsed tracheas, and Cookie has the added bonus of having spinal issues, so she doesn’t exactly know what the left side of her body is doing all of the time. But we’ve got both of them on Prednisone, and we bought a bunch of cheap yoga mats and laid them all over the house, which helps Cookie keep her footing since we have hardwood floors. And they both seem happy. They both chase Jamie around from room to room, and still attack food with zeal, so that’s the most we can hope for from a couple of 11 year old dogs, right?

  4. Covid and quarantine has definitely rekindled my love of cooking and food, and I’m going to do my best to try new dishes every once in a while. We typically have big salads for dinner four or five nights a week, and as healthy as that is and as happy as I am that we do that, I do miss just making a big meal just to make a big meal. So I’m going to do my best to get back to that. Everything in moderation is okay, right?

  5. And speaking of that, Padma Lakshmi posted on her Instagram account that she was hiring for a digital content coordinator, which I am not qualified for in the slightest, but also, she asked for a resume and a cover letter, so… I got to write a letter to Padma Lakshmi! Will she actually read it? Probably not. But maybe. And sometimes maybe is good enough. Right?

  6. I think that’s enough of a data dump for now. Hope all my reader is doing well.

  7. Bye!

Sushi wants sandwich.

Sushi wants sandwich.